Mecha Drago Zbrush Tutorial PART 1
This download covers my approach to sculpting in Zbrush. I'll be going over Building a Block Out, Detail Sculpting, Hard Surface Modeling, Retopology, Posing a Character, and Rendering in Keyshot all over the course of 14 hours(6 Video Segments) split into 2 separate Gumroad downloads.
The following items are included in this complete download -
- Mecha Drago Zbrush Tutorial Part 1- Broken down into 3 video segments - 6 Hours total w/full commentary!
- Zbrush Interface Breakdown - 39m video covering the basics of Zbrush that you must know in order to use the program properly.
-My ZTool files (so you can view my entire progress for yourself) and have access to the model from each save point.
-The Keyshot progress renders I produced during the actual production phase of this sculpt.
- My Zbrush Configuration and additional Brush set.
- Mecha Drago Turnaround PSD & JPEG. The turn around design I used to kick start the process.
Thank you very much and I hope you enjoy!
-Chris Szczesiul